Welcome to your retailer SPOTICAR Pratt and Gelsthorpe Newark on Trent
Who are we ?
SPOTICAR PRATT AND GELSTHORPE NEWARK ON TRENT, located in NEWARK ON TRENT offers you a selection of approved used cars and commercial vehicles.
Our approved used models are selected checked and prepared to very stringent manufacturer standards, and for added reassurance, all our cars and vans come with a minimum 6 months’ warranty and roadside assistance. So all you need to worry about is spotting the car you love.
NG24 1UF Newark on Trent
Home delivery
Have your car delivered straight to your door with our home delivery service available throughout mainland UK
Enter your delivery address to calculate the estimated price of this service.
Is the vehicle you want to purchase too far from your home or workplace? You can't visit a retailer? SPOTiCAR offers a home delivery service so you can have your new vehicle delivered directly to your door. Your retailer will take care of all the delivery formalities with you. To find out more please contact your retailer who can answer all your questions.
The prices are given as an indication. Please validate the cost and any specific requirements directly with your retailer. This service is offered at participating retailers only.
Part exchange estimate for your car
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